Friday, February 13, 2009

Updates on life...

It has, once again, been quite awhile since my last blog post. I have a lot on my mind to write about but for whatever reason, I don't immediately write it. I guess that's not the way this is supposed to work. I didn't used to have that problem.

Let's see...what has gone on in the last few months...

We had a baby! Asher Rhine was born on January 24. He's not too big but he sure is cute and we really love him. He is another blessing from God. My quiver is full.

And... I shaved.

And I got new sunglasses...

Liscense and registration please...

A few posts ago I was talking about deciding on some music to purchase and a very nice man named Bob Kauflin commented on my blog. For those of you who don't know, he's the head dude over at Sovereign Grace Music and as I found out, incredibly generous. He offered to send me the SGM cd of my choosing. I chose the Come Weary Saints cd. To my suprise, he also included their newest album, Psalms, with the cd I had requested. I really appreciated this. The Come Weary Saints cd is so good and hit me right where I was so much that it stayed in the car cd player for about two weeks straight. It is awesome. Here are some pics:

I have some things that I have been thinking on as of late. I have been reading some and have been VERY inspired to start back to writing on my novel. I am working on being self disciplined in this. It seems like with most things in my life, they kind of fell apart last fall with all of the pregnancy complication stuff. I quit doing some things that I had been doing well, such as working out. I have gotten up to 235 pounds, still a far, far cry from when I was huge but still larger than I want to be. My goal is to weigh 200 by the time school is out. I hope my body can do it again.

Bethany and I have been invited to be a part of a couples Bible study this spring and we're pretty excited about it. I think I may have even found someone to babysit the older two kids during these times.

Thanks to all of our friends who have been praying for us. Please keep it up. We love you all.

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