Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rough Day Back

Well, it was a rough day back at school. The whole building is overturned with the recent flooding and sewer back up in the basement/gym. Many students and staff are displaced.

I'm sitting here watching The Last Samurai. I remember liking the movie and have been hearing and seeing references to it, so I decided to watch it again.

I'm pretty sure we implanted Americans were jerks to the native Americans. We should apologize.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some Photoshop Fun

So, we're having student council elections at school and some of the candidates asked me to help them by making posters. I say yes to everyone so as not to look as though I'm endorsing any one candidate. Here's some examples of my quickly done work for them:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Personel Decisions Can Make A Team... OR Break IT

19 - 62 from 2003 to present

Last in the division every single year...

Dear Mr. Davis,

Please sell the team and get out of the way. Let the coaches coach.


Concerned and Disgusted Fan

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Home at Last

I'm wore out from a full day. Voltage went well tonight. I started a series called Welcome to the Planet: What On Earth Am I Here For? It went pretty well. I hope I was able to communicate the material in an accessable and understandable way. We'll be in this series for the next 5 weeks. After youth I had a ministry team meeting. I'm getting very tired so this is going to be a short entry...

...maybe I'll write more tomorrow...I'm tired.

Looking into self-publishing.

Sorry about the redundancy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

JJ Heller

So, in Europe I found out about about three cool artists/bands that I hadn't heard much about. One of them was J.J. Heller. She's an acoustic/folk performer. I have one of her albums that I purchased from Itunes. She has recently released a new album and it's free online. I urge you to check out her tunes and see what you think.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today I taught my first session of Creative Writing. It was so much fun. There's just something about writing that makes me sit up and get excited. I haven't been writing like I'd intended to for some time and this new class has once again motivated me to restart old projects and perhaps start new ones. I'm very excited. It has been a dream of mine to be a published author. I'm going to aim to make this dream a reality. It's going to take time and work...but it's worth it. So, you can pray for me about that. I think I've got a lot to say.

Monday, September 1, 2008

5 years goes by so quickly...

My son starts kindergarten tomorrow. He's grown up so fast. I'm happy that he gets to go to school with me everyday. Today Bethany and I were remembering funny quotes of his as I looked through a journal that I keep things like that in. This little boy is so smart. I love my son very much and that is making this new journey very emotional.