Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Few Things For Thought

I have recently realized that I'm not as smart as I'd like to be. Somewhere along the way I traded reading and learning for electronic distraction...(read internet, internet, tv, internet) I log in and check my email seemingly mindlessly... sometimes multiple times within a few minutes, as if in the last thrity seconds I may have missed that oh so important email. It's silly. I recently read a blog post over at Matt Chandler's blog about inspiration and things that make us less inspired. It's a great read and you can read it here. Definently food for thought. What inspires you. I'll be working on my list. Perhaps I'll post it when I'm finished. I'm making the effort to read and study more. I want to increase my ability to answer people's questions and that won't happen by staring at an empty inbox...

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