Saturday, July 19, 2008


I should be sleeping. It's 3am. We leave for World Changers tomorrow. I'm not sure why I'm not sleeping. I started packing and watching movies and just ended up staying awake. I want to make sure I have everything ready for the trip. We're leaving at 1pm so I have a few hours to get things finished around the house and make sure I have everything.

I hope and pray that this coming week is life changing for our students. I'm also hoping that they will show up big time for each other. I want them to grow together as a group and experience the unity that Jesus calls us to.

Seriously, has been a big blessing for me.

I'm excited about the new ESV Study Bible coming out. I really would like to have one. I think it would help my personal study as well as my preaching and teaching.

This could be my last blog for about a week. You can keep track of the World Changers project on

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